
We engage our students in meaningful learning activities that ask them to think about what they are doing and learning.

  • Include a variety of learning activities which support students in achieving the course learning outcomes
  • Create a safe environment for students to try, fail, receive feedback, and try again “in advance of and separate from any summative judgment of their effort” (Bain, 2004, p. 18)
  • Contextualize resources (why should students be reading or watching? Why is an image included?)
  • Invite learners to apply new concepts to their own localities, using hands-on approaches where possible (Place-based, Experiential)
  • Motivate learners to identify and recommend solutions to real, local problems.
  • Assessments will:
  • build on learning activities and align with the learning outcomes ,
  • have clear instructions and expectations (rubrics),
  • offer personalization through choice in topic and/or approach, and
  • allow a reasonable time for completion.

Bain, K. (2004). What the best college teachers do. Harvard University Press.