
We embrace open educational practices which include a focus on open access, open pedagogies and inclusive design, grounded in accessibility, choice and flexibility.

  • Prioritize open resources or zero textbook cost approaches when they are available, relevant, and high in quality.
  • Consider design choices, such as the inclusion of scaffolded activities, as our open access policies require minimal or no prerequisites for most courses.
  • Explore open pedagogical approaches which invite active learner participation in the co-creation of knowledge
  • Consider the use of open platforms and the development of networked communities.
  • Encourage open practices that welcome multiple perspectives, voices and lenses. Inclusive of First People’s principles, inquiry approaches, and social justice frameworks (Lambert, 2018).

Lambert, Sarah, R. (2018). Changing our (dis)course: A distinctive social justice aligned definition of open education. Journal of Learning for Development – JL4D, 5(3).